Faculty: Daniel T. Bloom | Code: HR1371
The human capital management space in today’s organizations is confronted with a wide assortment of challenges facing the organization due to the VUCA world we operate in. There is a way to confront these challenges head-on using metrics to define our performance levels.
Every time we turn around someone else is talking about artificial intelligence and big data. But the real question presented is whether big data is right for the human capital management function.
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Speaker Bio: Daniel T. Bloom
Daniel T. Bloom is a well-respected author, speaker and HR strategist, who during his 40+ year career has worked as a contingency executive recruiter, member of the internal HR staff of a Fortune 1000 corporation, an HR Consultant and a Corporate Relocation Director for several real estate firms
He is an active participant within the HR social Media scene maintaining blogs since 2006 and has written over 40 articles, which have appeared online and in print. In addition, he has written 7 books in the Human Capital Management/Change Management space.
Certified as both a Senior Professional in HR and as a Six Sigma Black Belt